
The horn: to be used when necessary

The primary role of the horn is to warn road users of a potential hazard. In reality, however, this noisy device is often associated with exasperation, impatience, joy (e.g., a wedding or sports team victory), a desire to attract the attention of a passer-by who is to be greeted, etc. The horn is often used to warn people of a potential danger.

Unfortunately, this untimely use contributes greatly to noise pollution, which increases the general stress level of the population, particularly in urban areas. For this reason, some argue that the use of the horn should be banned outright in non-emergency situations. You should also be aware that you could be fined over $280 if you use your horn incorrectly in Quebec (for example, if you are stuck in a traffic jam and you honk your horn to express your frustration).

An electromagnetic phenomenon

Typically, when you press the horn, an electromagnet moves a piece of steel called a diaphragm. So, when a current is applied to the electromagnet, the diaphragm moves towards a magnet. When the diaphragm is moved towards the magnet, a connection is released, which momentarily disconnects the current and allows the steel to relax. Then the electromagnet that applies current moves the diaphragm towards the magnet again. This repeating sequence causes the steel to oscillate, producing the characteristic sound.

Also note that there are other types of horns (such as electronic and pneumatic horns) that vary in function and power depending on the vehicle (e.g., police car, ambulance, heavy truck).

If your horn is defective, don’t wait to have it repaired, because this horn can literally save lives! For a well-maintained car, visit your Mister Muffler repair shop.

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